Monday, October 18, 2010

Refining the girl model with help.

A fellow student was kind enough to help me out with refining stuff. I really should be asking for help a lot more instead of trying to wing it, because already there's some great results. (The brown pencils are mine, the graphite is the fellow student's drawing.)

The girl here is probably a bit more complex than I want her and not exaggerated enough (yet) but she is EXTREMELY close to what I want out of her character now, and this drawing also has better structure. Something lacking in my work at the moment, but I think with good help breaking my ideas down into basic shapes it will transform my ability to see and create good design. (As well as animate.)

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Mama mia!

Mostly model sheets but also a composition environment thing and an animation test.

And finally some animation test of the 2 main characters.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010